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[{"text":"Welcome to our first competitive DC Deck Building article! We are excited to get things rolling and to get players started off playing with multiple heroes. <br> <br>In competitive DC Deck Building, picking characters is done in a new and interesting way. Each character has a tier. The tiers start at 1 and go all the way up to 6. You may pick as many starting Super Hero Characters as you'd like as long as their total value is equal to or less than 6. <br> <br>Check out the tier list here:\/x.php?id=9449"},{"text":"Here are some examples of character team-ups that are highly competitive. Let's go over a few: <br>"},{"header":"Killer FROST (4) + King Shark (2)"},{"double":[{"src":"4-k7632764-killer.jpg"},{"src":"2-k3384552-king-s.jpg"}]},{"text":"King Shark really brings out the best in Killer Frost. Together they create one of the best "HATE" strategies available. <br> <br> <br>To play the team well, you should gain one VP every turn with King Shark, then immediately spend this VP to use Killer Frost's ability. This will allow you play and destroy a card in the line-up (with cost less than 4) at least once every turn. <br> <br>When choosing a card to play and destroy, look for a card that gives at least +2 power. This will let you get off to a super fast start. To get even more benefits out of this combo, try to destroy a card that a foe would want to buy!"},{"header":"INDIGO-1 (3) + CYBORG (3)"},{"double":[{"src":"3-i6617013-indigo.jpg"},{"src":"3-c3426423-cyborg.jpg"}]},{"text":"Another strategy which provides you with a multiplicity of ways to play is Indigo-1 and Cyborg. Though of course some deck cards are objectively better than others, there is no one type of card which works well with this hero combination, meaning it's very easy to take cards other players want and very hard to get hated out of the game."},{"header":"Superman (4) + DR. Manhattan (2)"},{"double":[{"src":"4-s2178384-superm.jpg"},{"src":"2-d7218202-dr-man.jpg"}]},{"text":"A solid combo revolving around Super Powers. Dr. Manhattan is one of the better tier 2 characters as he can actually destroy your starters. Buying Kicks is a valid tactic with this duo. More than one Kick will not trigger Superman, but it would trigger Dr. Manhattan. <br> <br>We should also mention that Black Canary + Raven and Batman + Mister Terrific are strong alternatives to this strategy. These two combinations work similarly to Superman + Dr. Manhattan, but focus on a type of card other than Superpowers. Which combination of characters you choose just depends on what type of cards you want to go after."},{"header":"Manhunter (5) + Black Manta (1)."},{"double":[{"src":"5-m295565-martia.jpg"},{"src":"1-b2298441-black-.jpg"}]},{"text":"Martian Manhunter is the most playable tier 5 characters. These two have great synergy as Black Manta's ability sets up Martian Manhunter's. <br> <br> <br>Some players argue that Martian Manhunter + Chameleon Boy is a better team-up as Chameleon Boy will allow you to play a hero\/villain in the line-up (through Time Travel) which will in turn trigger Martian Manhunter's ability. In the end, it comes down to which character you'd like to compliment Martian Manhunter with."},{"header":"Nightwing (3) + Cyborg (3)"},{"double":[{"src":"3-n5969093-nightw.jpg"},{"src":"3-c136263-cyborg.jpg"}]},{"text":"This team-up is one of my favorites as it is extremely focused. Together, their strategy is straightforward. Simply go after equipment cards as hard as you can. Equipments are often left wide-open, leaving various options for anyone who plays this combo. <br> <br>In addition to this combination's simplicity, it is also relatively easy to trigger Cyborg's ability because you are likely to have at least a few Kicks laying around."},{"header":"More than 2 Characters"},{"image":[{"src":"the281853the-stuf.jpg"},{"caption":"Punch Jank!"}]},{"text":"Obviously, you can play ANY amount of characters as long as their tier is equal to or less than 6. <br> <br>This is a combo we call "Punch Jank," created by a member of the testing crew, Justin Barton. <br> <br>The idea of this deck is to abuse your Punches. Discard a Punch to Mister Terrific to rig your top 3. You don't even have to find an equipment, just place your best card on top. Then discard another Punch to Batgirl to draw the card you just rigged. Then play a Kick or other Super Power and grab one or two of those Punches back! <br> <br>It's a solid combo. It's a little tricky to play, but it can be a great way to play the game from a different aspect. Also, the equipment and super powers are only minor priorities at best. You can always buy Kicks and you can always use Mister Terrific for some value without any equipments."},{"text":"During drafts, the way you pick characters can change drastically. It's often better to look for what's "open", rather than trying to force a team you like. Be sure to have a few backups in mind. <br> <br>There are so many more combinations, that we couldn't list them all. One of our sponsors, NrdFeed, will be holding an invitational in May. That will be sure to shake up the meta."}]
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