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Super Villain Stack
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[{"text":"This game variant was created by the team at <br><br>Refer to\/rules for all specific card rulings and the advanced rule book. The purpose of this page is to provide a brief overview of how to get started playing with our DCDB tournament cube."},{"header":"WHY IS THEre A NEED FOR COMPETITIVE RULES?"},{"text":"Have you bought a majority of the DC Deck Building (DCDB) sets? Have you experimented with combining sets or even mixing Main Characters? <br> <br>Well, we are here to bring you the next evolution in DCDB, allowing you to take your game to the next level. <br> <br>We have a big vision for DCDB, and think it has the potential for a highly competitive tournament scene. There are few games with as much flavor, consistency, and replay value as the DC Deck Building Game, so we are excited to unite avid DCDB fans together. <br> <br>These rules are aimed at competitive card players and encourage them to enjoy the game at it's highest level. We provide a rotating ban and tier list that is current and includes the latest expansions released. We regularly hold tournaments and are paving the way for the DCDB tournament scene.<br> <br>Tournament coverage is posted on, as well as articles on deck building, Main Character selection and card specific strategies.<br> <br>We want to acknowledge that we are not affiliated with Cryptozoic Entertainment in any way. "},{"image":[{"src":"cry152421cryptozo.jpg"},{"caption":"We are not affiliated with Cryptozoic Entertainment"}]},{"header":"OFFICIAL TOURNAMENT FORMATS"},{"text":"Free-for-All (Est time: 1 hour)<br>"},{"header":"OFFICIAL COMPETITIVE RULES"},{"text":"The game is typically played the same as written in the latest DCDB rule book, with the following major changes: (for a full list of changes, refer to the advanced rules here: https:\/\/\/rules\/)."},{"header":"Main Character SELECTION"},{"double":[{"src":"scr740530screensh.jpg"},{"src":"scr787906screensh.jpg"}]},{"text":"For competitive play, Main Character selection is done in a new and innovative way! <br> <br>You may choose any number of characters that together have a combined tier value of six or less. Characters have a different tier value depending on how powerful they are, how consistent they are, and their impact on the game. <br> <br>You can play as many characters as you like, so long as their total tier value is less than or equal to six. <br> <br>The Main Character Tier List can be found here: https:\/\/\/article.php?id=9449 <br> <br>We developed the tier system to raise the game\u2019s replay value and to allow for synergy between the Main Characters. There are hundreds of potential teams! Note that the MCs and teams shown above may or may not be a legal team depending on the current tier list."},{"header":"Drafting Your Main Characters"},{"image":[{"src":"tie569632tierdraf.jpg"},{"caption":"Start with the Tier 1"}]},{"text":"Summary: <br>Each player drafts their Main Characters by starting with the tier one Characters and proceeding through the tiers in ascending order.<br> <br>Procedure: <br>Arrange the starting Main Characters according to their tier value. <br> <br>Each player roll a die. The highest roller determines if they would like to draft first or last. If they chose to draft first, the next highest roller will draft after them, and so on. If they chose to go last, the next highest roller will draft first instead. For tournaments this is done for you and specified by the pairing program.<br> <br>The player who drafts first will begin the draft by evaluating the Main Characters with a tier value of one. That player may choose to take a character with tier value one, or to pass. After that player has made their choice, the next player in order does so. Once a player has passed on a tier, they may no longer select a Main Character of that tier value. <br> <br>After all players have chosen and\/or passed on the tier one Main Characters, the process is repeated for the tier two Main Characters. Repeat this process until each player has passed on all tiers. <br> <br>Each player may choose to have up to six different Main Characters to play. If at any time a player has chosen a total of six tier worth of Main Characters, that player is removed from the draft. Players may not exceed six tier points worth of Main Characters.<br> <br>The player who drafted first will be the last player during the game."},{"header":"Super Villains"},{"image":[{"src":"sv-420218sv.jpg"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"<p>The Super Villain stack is made up of five Super Villains, stacked in ascending order, such that the eight cost Super Villain is on the top of the stack, and the higher cost Super Villains are beneath it. The Super Villains will be chosen at random by a judge and kept a secret from all players. For tournaments this is handled by a judge.<br> <br>When you need to create a Super Villain stack, navigate to: https:\/\/\/sv\/<\/p><p>Once the game begins, add a "+2" token on the Super Villain stack.<\/p>"},{"image":[{"src":"ras288231ras.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"The additional "+2" cost is added to each Super Villain for competitive play. Because playing with more than one Main Character makes it easier to defeat the Super Villains at their base cost, the additional "+2" cost is added to make it more difficult to defeat a Super Villain without first having to build a solid deck."},{"header":"Additional Rules:"},{"text":"You may only spend power to buy cards from (the Line-Up and Kick Stack) OR to defeat the Super Villain, not both. If you "gain" cards, this does not count as buying (example: Cheetah). Note: you can only buy one Kick per turn.<br> <br>When Weakness cards are destroyed they go to the Destroyed stack. (So don't use the "Crisis: Impossible Mode" rule.)<br>"},{"header":"Conclusion"},{"text":"This project is aimed at passionate DCDB fans that want to experience the game at its highest level. Our goal is to create the best competitive experience, so please feel free to email us with any requests, questions or comments. This is an ongoing project and we at https:\/\/ look forward to growing the competitive play experience in a major way!<br><br>You can reach us at:"},{"text":"What to buy and how to build your cube:<br>https:\/\/\/article.php?id=9577<br><br>Main Character tier list:<br>https:\/\/\/article.php?id=9449<br><br>Ban list:<br>https:\/\/\/article.php?id=9448<br><br>Card Database:<br>https:\/\/\/<br><br>Join our Competitive Discord group:<br>https:\/\/\/E7ZNeZP<br><br>Join our Competitive Facebook group:<br>https:\/\/\/groups\/1563115643985775\/<br>"}]
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