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[{"text":"Date Updated:<br>09 August 2021<br><br>Next Update:<br>08 November 2021"},{"header":"video update"},{"text":"xJohnnyBusket made a video overview, you can find his thoughts and commentary about the new season here:"},{"video":[{"src":"https:\/\/\/watch?v=U1u5eHMTzJ4"},{"caption":"Video Courtesy xJohnnyBusket (In English)"}]},{"header":"Cube Updates"},{"text":"A list of all changes to the main deck, supervillains and characters is available here: https:\/\/\/seasons\/"},{"header":"rules update: opening line-up"},{"text":"To help alleviate stagnant opening lineups, the following applies (note: this only applies to the opening lineup):"},{"list":[{"listType":"bullet"},{"caption":"There can only be one card whose cost is five or greater."},{"caption":"There can only be one location."}]},{"text":"An easy way to handle this is to reveal one card at a time, and if it fails either of the two criteria then remove it from the game and continue the process until there are five cards in the opening lineup."},{"header":"rules update: SV ownership"},{"text":"If an SV ceases being owned by a player, then remove it from the game. This is a special rule that intercepts it en route to its destination and instead removes it from the game. Because it is intercepted en route, it will still trigger any effects from having been destroyed, etc.<br><br>Example: Power Ring SV FAA causes a player to destroy Batman SV. Batman will be destroyed (and trigger any effects from doing so), however Batman will be removed from the game instead of being placed into the destroyed pile."},{"double":[{"src":"pow922477power-ri.jpg"},{"src":"bat479796batman-1.jpg"}]},{"text":"(This quantity adjustment is called out on the seasons page in the Main Deck Changes: Quantities section.)"},{"header":"rules update: special weakness cases"},{"text":"Two MCs are receiving special rulings to facilitate their abilities:"},{"double":[{"src":"fel175282felix-fa.jpg"},{"src":"dnm243849dnm-mc-m.jpg"}]},{"text":"As a special rule (specifically for these two MCs), if the Weakness stack is empty, the player can still use their ability and gain a Weakness from the reserve stack. If the reserve stack is empty their abilities cannot be used."},{"header":"RULES UPDATE: attacking and defending"},{"text":"The steps for handling Attacks and Blocks\/Defenses (and specifically SV attacks) was a cumbersome sequence of events, that was necessary to handle some edge cases which are now handled by the reserve Weakness stack and some minor changes over the years. This allowed us to reduce the steps required to handle Attacking from ten down to just a few. The 'updated' process now better aligns with how players expect these interactions to occur, and is as follows:<br>"},{"list":[{"listType":"bullet"},{"caption":"A.) Starting with the next player in turn order, the player has the option to use any number of 'when you are Attacked' abilities, resolving all triggers from the current effect before performing the next."},{"caption":"B.) The player announces whether they are Defending or Blocking (i.e. Avoiding the Attack), and if so, resolves the Defense\/Block."},{"caption":"C.) The player resolves any triggers caused by Defending\/Blocking, in the order of their choice."},{"caption":"D.) Repeat for each affected player, in turn order."}]},{"text":"Example: A player has Donna Troy as their MC, and is being attacked by Sons of Trigon."},{"double":[{"src":"don373380donna-tr.jpeg"},{"src":"son19426sons-of-.jpeg"}]},{"text":"The player uses a Defense to avoid the attack, triggering Donna and Sons of Trigon. They choose to resolve the trigger from Sons of Trigon, which causes them to gain a Weakness for Avoiding the Attack. They then resolve the trigger from Donna, and destroy the Weakness."},{"header":"format update: 2v2"},{"text":"Our 2v2 event was a blast and players requested both a dedicated main deck and tier list for the format. To that end, we'll be releasing both at the start of next season, so be on the look out for them!"},{"header":"upcoming events"},{"text":"Saturday, May 22nd, is the date of our next tournament, details can be found here: https:\/\/\/events\/156403153231794<br><br>Our full events calendar is located here:<br>https:\/\/\/spreadsheets\/d\/1t-PIDxIHCc2Fl82NoqKb4cDzTejicjAHKWgRdj9GVn4\/edit?usp=sharing"}]
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