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.bigTitle { padding-top: 75px; }
[{"text":"Date Updated:<br>13 May 2019<br><br>Next Scheduled Update:<br>12 August 2019"},{"header":"MAIN DECK CHANGES"},{"text":"The following cards are banned:"},{"sql":"SELECT quantityInCube as value1, name as value3, setFrom as value2 FROM dcdbdb WHERE `type` NOT LIKE 'supervillain' AND bannedInGroup = 12 ORDER BY name ASC"},{"text":"Total:"},{"sql":"SELECT SUM(quantityInCube) as value1 FROM dcdbdb WHERE bannedInGroup = 12 AND type NOT LIKE 'SuperVillain'"},{"double":[{"src":"ala195286alan-sco.jpg"},{"src":"alf585757alfred-p.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"ani641318animal-m.jpg"},{"src":"bir473185birthday.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"bla330727black-la.jpg"},{"src":"bla915987black-la.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"blu861471blue-dev.jpg"},{"src":"cat736243catwoman.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"chl491393chloroki.jpg"},{"src":"cop490674copperhe.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"dar621946dark-kni.jpg"},{"src":"dar65524dark-sha.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"dea960684dead-kin.jpg"},{"src":"des20708despero.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"dr-610479dr-light.jpg"},{"src":"fem261391female-f.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"gan544741ganthet.jpg"},{"src":"geo556234geokines.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"haw311464hawkgirl.jpg"},{"src":"him758496himon-ng.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"jok181655jokers-d.jpg"},{"src":"mag572995magician.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"mal797696mallet.jpg"},{"src":"man25189mantis-n.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"mas683338mas-y-me.jpg"},{"src":"mea892135meatball.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"mis908553miss-mar.jpg"},{"src":"mis473186miss-mar.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"mys73893mystic-c.jpg"},{"src":"nig94371nightsto.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"nit1445nite-owl.jpg"},{"src":"ome679487omega-be.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"r02897994r02-para.jpg"},{"src":"pho500369phobia.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"pow179820power-dr.jpg"},{"src":"pri590312princess.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"rag690955rage-blo.jpg"},{"src":"ror58707rorschac.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"sha480423shado-4.jpg"},{"src":"sni991970sniper-r.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"sta613421starbolt.jpg"},{"src":"tar35855tarot-ca.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"ter782353terra-tt.jpg"},{"src":"the76283the-ridd.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"the74487the-top-.jpg"},{"src":"tor22568tornado-.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"vig378255vigilant.jpg"},{"src":"war727680warm-emb.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"r02540557r02-will.jpg"},{"src":"you571739you-have.jpg"}]},{"header":"SUPER VILLAIN CHANGES"},{"text":"The following Super Villains are now banned:"},{"sql":"SELECT quantityInCube as value1, name as value3, setFrom as value2 FROM dcdbdb WHERE `type` LIKE 'supervillain' AND bannedInGroup = 12 ORDER BY name ASC"},{"text":"Total:"},{"sql":"SELECT SUM(quantityInCube) as value1 FROM dcdbdb WHERE bannedInGroup = 12 AND type LIKE 'SuperVillain'"},{"double":[{"src":"poi893353poison-i.jpg"},{"src":"car7121card-bac.jpg"}]},{"text":"The following Super Villains are now legal:"},{"sql":"SELECT quantityInCube as value1, name as value3, setFrom as value2 FROM dcdbdb WHERE `type` LIKE 'supervillain' AND unbannedInGroup = 12 ORDER BY name ASC"},{"text":"Total:"},{"sql":"SELECT SUM(quantityInCube) as value1 FROM dcdbdb WHERE unbannedInGroup = 12 AND type LIKE 'SuperVillain'"},{"double":[{"src":"bla370581black-la.jpg"},{"src":"car108875card-bac.jpg"}]},{"header":"MAIN CHARACTER CHANGES"},{"text":"The following Main Characters' tiers have increased:<br><br>Aquaman (Base Set) -> Now Tier 3<br><br>Batman (Base Set) -> Now Tier 3<br><br>Black Canary (Heroes Unite) -> Now Tier 3<br><br>Booster Gold (Heroes Unite) -> Now Tier 3<br><br>Donna Troy (Crisis 4) -> Now Tier 3<br><br>Hawkman (Heroes Unite) -> Now Tier 3<br><br>Ozymandias (Crossover 4) -> Now Tier 4<br><br>Saint Walker (Crisis 2) -> Now Tier 2<br><br>Stargirl (Crossover 1) -> Now Tier 2<br><br>White Lantern Deadman (Crisis 2) -> Now Tier 3<br>"},{"double":[{"src":"aqu246444aquaman-.jpg"},{"src":"bat96739batman-m.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"bla999456black-ca.jpg"},{"src":"boo39157booster-.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"don807803donna-tr.jpg"},{"src":"haw333762hawkman-.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"ozy898545ozymandi.jpg"},{"src":"sai492713saint-wa.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"sta250726stargirl.jpg"},{"src":"whi676688white-la.jpg"}]},{"header":"rules changes"},{"text":"1.) For cards which interact with or have you choose a specific player, whenever possible the player chosen must be the player playing the card or using the effect. The following applies:"},{"list":[{"listType":"bullet"},{"caption":"For cards which interact with, or have you choose a specific player, the player chosen must be the one playing the card or using the effect."}]},{"text":"This applies to the following sample of cards, and others similarly worded:"},{"double":[{"src":"atl267302atlantis.jpg"},{"src":"bla618362black-la.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"cap12296captain-.jpg"},{"src":"mog840724mogo.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"nth670344nth-meta.jpg"},{"src":"sha34940shadow-t.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"sir916447siren-co.jpg"},{"src":"sta905287star-sap.jpg"}]},{"text":"2.) Weaknesses destroyed no longer return to the Weakness stack (i.e the Crisis rule). Weaknesses that are destroyed now go to the destroyed pile the same way that any other destroyed card does."},{"double":[{"src":"wea356828weakness.jpg"},{"src":"car926104card-bac.jpg"}]},{"text":"3.) Previously, it was possible to destroy an opponent's card and have it go to the destroyed pile. A new rule has been added that prevents the card from going to the destroyed pile, and instead has it remain in the zone it is in. Any effects for destroying a card will trigger as usual, the major change here is that the card remains in the zone it's currently in."},{"list":[{"listType":"bullet"},{"caption":"If a player destroys a card owned by another player, it will trigger any effects for destroying a card, but the card will remain in the zone it is currently in rather than being moved to the destroyed pile."}]},{"text":"4.) The method of determining the Super Villain stack has been changed. There is now a more complex method used to determine the SV stack that should be used for all sanctioned events. Anyone wishing to utilize this new system for their own games is welcome to do so, simply refresh this page each time you need a new SV stack: <br>https:\/\/\/sv\/<br><br>To make setup easier, we recommend sorting your SVs by cost and then shuffling the individual piles; you can then take SVs as needed to create your stack. For anyone temporarily without internet access we recommend using one SV from each of the following costs: 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13.<br><br>Some notable changes to the SV stack for sanctioned events:<br>"},{"list":[{"listType":"bullet"},{"caption":"The SV cost is guaranteed to increase by at least one every other SV"},{"caption":"The second SV will never cost more than ten"},{"caption":"The third SV will never cost more than twelve"},{"caption":"The greatest cost difference between consecutive SVs is three"}]},{"text":"The SV stack selection methodology can be found here:<br>https:\/\/\/document\/d\/1EetNMejW8oGbX-Q68tB_JW5Jfls8_BpG1mwcNZpR5sc\/edit?usp=sharing"},{"header":"trivia update"},{"text":"Since we've had time to get familiar with the latest sets, everyone's trivia rating has been reset at the start of season 12, and now we're opening up a new season for the next trivia master to dominate.<br><br>We've also revamped how trivia works, so hop over to the trivia article for an overview of the new system:<br>https:\/\/\/article.php?id=10833"},{"header":"event software"},{"text":"The event software has been updated to take into account the records of your opponents throughout the event when determining tiebreakers. This will enter into the tiebreaker system as shown in the following list:"},{"list":[{"listType":"bullet"},{"caption":"Player Points"},{"caption":"Player First Place Finishes"},{"caption":"Opponent's Points (New addition)"},{"caption":"Opponent's First Place Finishes (New addition)"},{"caption":"Random Number Generator"}]},{"header":"table top simulator tournament"},{"text":"Saturday, 18 May, will be the date of our first TTS tournament (https:\/\/\/events\/335889970446594\/). The prize for first place (copied from the event page) is:"},{"list":[{"listType":"bullet"},{"caption":"The winner may ban one 9-13 cost SuperVillain of their choice, excluding any SVs unbanned in the most recent update. The ban will be effective immediately and will remain in effect for the duration of the current season and the entirety of the next season (effectively banned for two seasons)."}]},{"text":"This means we will have one more banning update to announce, most likely around Monday after the event, or thereabouts, so check back here for an update on that!<br><br>May 24, 2019 Update:<br>For winning the event, Xephongun was given the opportunity to ban a Super Villain and he chose Brother Blood (Impossible Mode). This ban goes into effect immediately and will be continue through the end of next season."},{"double":[{"src":"bro744847brother-.jpg"},{"src":"car584137card-bac.jpg"}]},{"header":"closing remarks"},{"text":"We look forward to another great season of DCDB. Be sure to check out the events calendar (https:\/\/\/spreadsheets\/d\/1t-PIDxIHCc2Fl82NoqKb4cDzTejicjAHKWgRdj9GVn4\/edit?usp=sharing), we have plenty of opportunities to get play starting with a TTS tournament this weekend followed by events in North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee and Texas.<br>"}]
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