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.bigTitle { padding-top: 75px; }
[{"text":"Date Updated:"},{"text":"06 July 2018"},{"text":"Next Scheduled Update:"},{"text":"13 August 2018"},{"header":"New gods Main Character tier ratings"},{"text":"Big Barda -> Tier 3<br><br>Darkseid -> Tier 4<br><br>Granny Goodness -> Tier 3<br><br>Kalibak -> Tier 3<br><br>Mister Miracle -> Tier 2<br><br>Orion -> Tier 3"},{"double":[{"src":"big497491big-bard.jpg"},{"src":"dar540234darkseid.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"gra755683granny-g.jpg"},{"src":"kal956281kalibak-.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"mis799986mister-m.jpg"},{"src":"ori510416orion-ng.jpg"}]},{"header":"THE FOLLOWING MAIN CHARACTERS' TIERS HAVE INCREASED"},{"text":"Mirror Master (Crossover 5) -> Now Tier 3<br><br>Shazam! (Heroes Unite) -> Now Tier 3<br><br>Trickster (Crossover 5) -> Now Tier 3<br><br>Weather Wizard (Crossover 5) -> Now Tier 4"},{"double":[{"src":"mir240758mirror-m.jpg"},{"src":"sha736244shazam-m.jpg"}]},{"double":[{"src":"tri786203trickste.jpg"},{"src":"wea20364weather-.jpg"}]},{"header":"main deck cards"},{"text":"No changes."},{"header":"B&T UPDATE NOTES: MAIN CHARACTERS"},{"text":"With the inclusion of New Gods MCs, a few MC tiers have changed to account for synergies that result from playing with multiple MCs. A philosophy that we continue to embrace is that, when faced with a strong interaction consisting of a new MC and an existing one, we tend to aggressively tier the new one, and then raise the older one as needed to account for the new MC.<br><br>An example of this is Shazam! and Big Barda. Our testing has shown these two characters complement one another very well, and this team is very capable of winning by itself. One option is to tier Barda at 4, so these two can co-exist. However at tier 4, players seem more hesitant to play her with anything other than Shazam.<br><br>Since Barda is the newer MC of the two, our preference is to increase the tier of the older MC, hence the raising of Shazam to 3. This allows Barda to join the ranks of tier 3 main characters, giving her a more aggressive tier value when compared to placing her at tier 4. At tier 2, Barda felt overwhelming, to the point where she could dominate the format in a way that Golden Glider once did. Based on that evaluation, she has been classified as a tier 3.<br><br>Our hope with the tier system is to allow players to have more room to experiment with new Characters and teams while also enjoying old favorites. Occasionally these two goals can't both be met, and in those instances we tend to encourage players to choose the newer MCs as that tends to help keep the game fresh, and allow players to find new teams to enjoy.<br><br>Rounding out the tier changes, we standardized all Teamwork characters to have a base tier rating of 3. This has to do with the power level of Teamwork, and after reviewing match win percentage data, TW continues to outperform other MC teams when players of similar skill level are considered.<br><br>Lastly, Weather Wizard continues to put up dominate finishes due to his ability to cycle through your deck. The pairing of Kalibak and WW proved to be extremely efficient, with players able to dig through their deck for relevant cards, with Kalibak happily drawing them extra cards, allowing them to dig all the deeper with WW. Again, we chose to aggressively tier Kalibak, leaving WW to join the ranks of tier 4 characters such as Heatwave that might otherwise dominate the format if they were tiered lower.<br><br>Until next time, may you dominate all your games with Darkseid, Bizarro & Kid Flash."},{"image":[{"src":"cap38920capture.png"},{"caption":""}]}]
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