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.bigTitle { padding-top: 75px; }
[{"text":"The tournament was open to all players and took place at Nexus (http:\/\/\/) in Waco, Texas on June 02, 2018.<br><br>Here is the player list, in alphabetical order by first name:<br>"},{"sql":"SELECT name as value1 FROM dcdb_event_personnel_listing WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND role = 'Player' ORDER By name ASC"},{"text":"The judging staff was:"},{"sql":"SELECT name as value1, role as value2 FROM dcdb_event_personnel_listing WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND role LIKE '%judge%' ORDER BY name ASC"},{"text":"The event commentators were:"},{"sql":"SELECT name as value1 FROM dcdb_event_personnel_listing WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND role LIKE '%commentator%' ORDER By name ASC"},{"text":"The tournament consisted of four rounds of swiss style pairings followed by a finals consisting of the top three players.<br><br>A first place finish awards four match points, second place awards two, and third and fourth place award zero."},{"header":"round 1"},{"text":"<p>Table 1<br><\/p>"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 1 AND tableNumber = 1 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 2"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 1 AND tableNumber = 2 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 3<br><br>This was the feature match this round, you can watch the match here:"},{"video":[{"src":"https:\/\/\/watch?v=NtJ7OcS-N6c&t=9s"},{"caption":"Round 1 Feature Match"}]},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 1 AND tableNumber = 3 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 4"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 1 AND tableNumber = 4 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"<p>Results after Round 1:<\/p><p>Points - Player<\/p>"},{"sql":"SELECT playerPoints as value1, playerName as value3 FROM dcdb_event_round_standings WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 1 ORDER BY id ASC"},{"header":"round 2"},{"text":"<p>Table 1<br><br>This was the feature match this round, you can watch the match here:<\/p>"},{"video":[{"src":"https:\/\/\/watch?v=NtJ7OcS-N6c&t=4441s"},{"caption":"Round 2 Feature Match"}]},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 2 AND tableNumber = 1 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 2<br>"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 2 AND tableNumber = 2 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 3"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 2 AND tableNumber = 3 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 4"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 2 AND tableNumber = 4 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Results after Round 2:<br><br>Points - Player"},{"sql":"SELECT playerPoints as value1, playerName as value3 FROM dcdb_event_round_standings WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 2 ORDER BY id ASC"},{"header":"round 3"},{"text":"Table 1<br><br>This was the feature match this round, you can watch the match here:"},{"video":[{"src":"https:\/\/\/watch?v=NtJ7OcS-N6c&t=10206s"},{"caption":"Round 3 Feature Match"}]},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 3 AND tableNumber = 1 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"<p>Table 2<\/p>"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 3 AND tableNumber = 2 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 3"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 3 AND tableNumber = 3 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 4"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 3 AND tableNumber = 4 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Results after Round 3:<br><br>Points - Player"},{"sql":"SELECT playerPoints as value1, playerName as value3 FROM dcdb_event_round_standings WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 3 ORDER BY id ASC"},{"header":"Round 4"},{"text":"Table 1<br><br>This was the feature match this round, you can watch the match here:"},{"video":[{"src":"https:\/\/\/watch?v=NtJ7OcS-N6c&t=17660s"},{"caption":"Round 4 Feature Match"}]},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 4 AND tableNumber = 1 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"<p>Table 2<\/p>"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 4 AND tableNumber = 2 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 3"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 4 AND tableNumber = 3 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"text":"Table 4"},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 4 AND tableNumber = 4 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"header":"finals"},{"text":"<p>In the last tournament, Kevin and Jeff found themselves facing off against Parker May in a win-and-in opportunity to play in the finals. Parker ended up winning that game, and the tournament, and now these two players are back for revenge. Joining them in the finals is long-time card player Robbie Garza. Each player racked up at least 12 points on their way to the final table, meaning either 3-wins and a 3rd place finish or 2-wins and 2-second place finishes; not an easy feat by any means. You can watch the final match here:<\/p>"},{"video":[{"src":"https:\/\/\/watch?v=NtJ7OcS-N6c&t=22655s"},{"caption":"Finals Feature Match"}]},{"sql":"SELECT articleText as value1 FROM dcdb_event_round_results WHERE eventNumber = 19 AND roundNumber = 5 AND tableNumber = 1 ORDER BY playerResult ASC"},{"image":[{"src":"34377689134392728.jpg"},{"caption":"Left -> Right; Kevin Wand (Winner), Jeffrey Artigues (2nd Overall), Robbie Garza (3rd Overall)"}]},{"text":"For his troubles, Kevin walked away with one copy of each of the following:<br><br>Base Set (aka Core Set) Stand-alone Set<br>Teen Titans Stand-alone Set<br>Rivals - Batman Vs The Joker<br>Multiverse<br>Crossover 1: JSA<br>Crossover 4: Watchmen<br>Crossover 5: Rogues<br><br>2nd Place: Jeffrey Artigues<br>Crisis 3<br>Crossover 6: Birds of Prey<br><br>3rd Place: Robbie Garza<br>Crisis 2<br>Crossover 2: Arrow"},{"video":[{"src":"https:\/\/\/watch?v=NtJ7OcS-N6c"},{"caption":"DC Deck Building TX June Tournament"}]}]
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