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[{"text":"Hey everyone! We've been busy testing these new characters the last few weeks, while also looking forward to the new ones that will be released later this year. With the recent change in the tier list, coupled with the release of some new main characters this year, there are plenty of changes to evaluate and a whole slew of new combination possibilities to test. <br>"},{"header":"I won the!"},{"text":"The main character everyone is talking about lately is Golden Glider. It seems that even the game designers knew how powerful she was, so they decided to give her the initials "GG"; fitting since once someone picks her your next reaction should be to say "Good Game, lets play again". <br>"},{"text":"In this article we'll look at what makes her so powerful, how to properly use her abilities, and (more importantly!) how to win when you go up against her."},{"image":[{"src":"gir660730girlpowe.jpg"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"Lets start with evaluating her two abilities."},{"image":[{"src":"asf72574asf.jpg"},{"caption":""}]},{"header":"every time you play a card you don't own, draw a card."},{"text":"I'm going to go ahead and say this is the most broken main character ability we have seen so far."},{"header":"teamwork: that foe gains 1 vp."},{"image":[{"src":"tea42333teamwork.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"Teamwork is, by itself, a fine ability, but its not the reason we are playing Golden Glider. Its just icing on the cake."},{"header":"turn #1: let the advantage begin"},{"text":"One of the easiest ways to win in DCDB is to get an early lead and have it snowball out of control. If you can buy a few powerful cards in the early game and pick up the first few villains then you can usually ride that advantage to victory."},{"text":"Lets consider a basic starting hand that consists of three punches and two vulnerabilities. Most starting hands fall somewhere near this hand and consist of about three power."},{"image":[{"src":"pun458651punch-vu.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"Now we bring Golden Glider into the mix. With her, we'll have two scenarios: Either you are player #1, or you're not. This is important, because as long as you aren't going first then you can use that to your advantage."},{"text":"We'll start by doing the math assuming you're the first player, and its turn 1. When you teamwork a random opponent you'll get:"},{"list":[{"listType":"bullet"},{"caption":"1 Punch = 1 Power ~ 70%"},{"caption":"1 Vulnerability = 0 Power ~ 30%"}]},{"text":"So right away, on turn 1, you have a 70% chance to increase the power of your hand by 25%; this is a huge bonus. This doesn't tell the whole story either, because you'll also be drawing yourself a card from her ability "Every time you play a card you don't own, draw a card"."},{"text":"Considering this 'bonus' power (up to 2 extra power on turn 1, if you hit a punch and draw a punch), Golden Glider has a reasonable chance of being able to purchase a 5+ cost card on turn 1. This is the reason we play her. Her early game advantage is very explosive, and potentially matched only by Killer Frost + King Shark in terms of high early game power."},{"image":[{"src":"kf-878632kf-ks.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"I just compared six tier points worth of main characters to five. You need two characters (Killer Frost; tier 4, King Shark; tier 2) to have the same buying power as Golden Glider (tier 5). That's a big deal. Everything we've said up to this point was only considering Golden Glider by herself. The fact that it takes 6 tiers worth of characters to maintain parity just with her says a lot. The Golden Glider player gets to have a tier 1 character to pair her with, which is just another bonus to playing her that we aren't evening discussing here."},{"text":"Now let\u2019s back up a minute and look at a better situation: When you\u2019re not going first. Now her Teamwork ability really starts to shine. Forget hitting starters, now you have a chance to hit real cards, potentially destroy cards, locations, etc. At worst someone has probably bought a kick. In this case, try to always target the player with the best deck and eventually you\u2019ll start team working some really good cards."},{"text":"Now that we know Golden Glider is one of the most explosive early game characters, let's look at some cards you should be looking to pick up when playing her."},{"image":[{"src":"1-p3492271.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"image":[{"src":"2-p6682562.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"You should be overvaluing cards that let you play other cards, and pick them over anything else except defeating a Super Villian. These cards fuel Golden Glider\u2019s draw engine and will help press your advantage."},{"header":"TIME TRAVEL"},{"text":"You also want to be on the lookout for any time travel cards that are in the line up. These are cards you don\u2019t want to be buying, instead just play them every turn until one of your opponents wises up and buys it on their turn."},{"image":[{"src":"tim57663time-tra.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"The only time I might consider buying a time travel card is if a Bane or Black Adam player was also abusing it, as they can tend to gain more of an advantage from it than you do (although in this case, the other player(s) in your game basically have to buy it or risk being dominated by the advantage it's giving the you and the Bane\/Black Adam player)."},{"image":[{"src":"ban690850bane-ba.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"header":"CARDS THAT STEAL VP"},{"text":"Since we\u2019re playing as Golden Glider, and we plan on team working throughout the game, there will be plenty of VP lying around for the taking. Pick up these cards and you\u2019ll be well on your way to snatching up all that VP everyone has prime for the taking. If you manage to pick up a Commissioner Gordon, make sure and teamwork the player who you perceive to have the most attack cards at least a few times. This helps makes sure they have a steady stream of VP for you to take."},{"image":[{"src":"ste179111steal-vp.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"header":"GAMEPLAY"},{"text":"We\u2019ve looked at Golden Glider, and what makes her a strong Main Character. Now let's evaluate some tier-1 characters to pair her with and then we\u2019ll look at some game play tips for playing with or against her."},{"header":"TIER 1 options"},{"text":"Earlier I compared Golden Glider, at tier-5, to Killer Frost & King Shark. Since she\u2019s already strong enough on her own, we don\u2019t have to restrict ourselves to a certain tier-1 character that \u2018combos\u2019 well with her. A few notable options include:"},{"image":[{"src":"tie72273tier-1-c.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"The one that \u2018combos\u2019 the best with her is Chameleon Boy. Alongside Golden Glider, his ability roughly equates to:"},{"header":"DISCARD A CARD To PLAY A CARD IN THE LINE-UP & DRAW A CARD"},{"image":[{"src":"gg-402395gg-cb.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"This is relatively a straightforward pair for Golden Glider which I have used numerous times and should lead to a fine game. You can afford to pick up high cost \/ low impact cards with this team, planning to discard them to use Chameleon Boy\u2019s ability. Some cards that fit this strategy include:"},{"image":[{"src":"loo834192loot-sup.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"Cards that fit this category either provide a bonus when you buy\/gain them, or are good under certain circumstances, and can be pitched to Chameleon Boy when they aren't that great."},{"text":"You also have the option of picking a general utility tier-1 character."},{"image":[{"src":"gg-436985gg-bizar.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"Bizarro can at first glance seem a bit odd to pair with Golden Glider. In order to understand his inclusion on our team, we need to think about how an average game might play out, and what the general perception of the Golden Glider player is during the game."},{"text":"Looking back at our testing games, the Golden Glider player always gets off to a quick start. What tends to happen, is the other players get so far behind that they tend to start \u2018ganging up\u2019 on the Golden Glider player. This is usually represented during the game in the form of Attacks. As the Golden Glider player, you should expect to get attacked a lot! A common theme of attack cards is that many of them give out weaknesses."},{"header":"think about HOW YOU ARE VIEWED BY OTHER PLAYERS DURING THE GAME"},{"text":"Now we can think back to Character selection and see why we might choose to pair Bizarro with Golden Glider. By himself, Bizarro is an excellent counter to one of the main problems Golden Glider has: She gets attacked a lot! Now you can turn all those weaknesses into free cards."},{"image":[{"src":"biz652958bizarrow.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"header":"HOW TO PLAY AGAINST GOLDEN GLIDER"},{"text":"As with every character and strategy, DCDB has a multitude of options in character selection and play style. We can use some of these options to counter what the Golden Glider player is trying to accomplish."},{"header":"tEAMS FOR PLAYING AGAINST GOLDEN GLIDER"},{"image":[{"src":"ozy78085ozy-vixe.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"This is an interesting pair to play if you suspect there will be a Golden Glider player at the table. Your best bet with this team is to be friendly towards the Golden Glider player, and encourage them to teamwork you every turn by leaving something really good on top that they\u2019ll want to teamwork. Sure, this helps propel them to victory, but gaining one VP every turn for your troubles isn\u2019t bad."},{"text":"Most games the teamwork VP from Golden Glider can tend to get passed around so that everyone gets some. If you manage to hoard it all for yourself you\u2019ll stand a much better chance of winning. On top of that, Vixen will help you take advantage of a good card left on top, so its not a total loss for you."},{"image":[{"src":"gl-786485gl-aquam.png"},{"caption":""}]},{"text":"This team, and several like it, are playing for a long game. Remember that Golden Glider wants to get in quick, pick up some good cards, and win a fast game. One of the best ways to defeat her is to ignore the Super Villains. Just flat out don\u2019t buy them. The Golden Glider player will usually have a very hard time defeating all five Super Villians by themselves."},{"text":"You can sit back and trigger Green Lantern every turn with your deck packed full of mediocre cards and win the long game. You\u2019ll accumulate enough VP worth of cards through buying them from the line-up, meanwhile Golden Glider will be team working those mediocre cards from you, which doesn\u2019t jive well with her plan. Golden Glider is hoping to teamwork and hit powerful cards. Don\u2019t give her the chance."},{"text":"Playing a "long game" strategy like this will throw a wrench into any Golden Glider player\u2019s plans, and can help nullify her teamwork strategy."},{"header":"conclusion"},{"text":"We've looked at ways you can further your advantage when playing as Golden Glider, as well as way in which you can combat the strategy if you find yourself playing against it."},{"text":"That's all for this article. Just remember: as is true in many aspects of life, teamwork is the way to go!<br>"}]
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